Hair prosthesis systems

Capillary prostheses, also commonly referred to as peluquines, tupes, bisoñé, etc. they are systems that continue evolving constantly to reach the perfection and the undetectability that the great number of users request given the delicacy of the subject.
A woman's wig can be noticed and likewise look good, in which case the comment of the observers would be positive anyway. For a man it is a question of going completely unnoticed, being a matter of intimacy of absolute importance. For this reason today there are very sophisticated pieces that unlike those of all life are more comfortable and above all more natural. Even if the systems always, if they are well cut and adapted by a professional, they also get super natural .. For this differentiation there are several prices depending on the chosen format, all obviously human hair made, except some graying colors whose gray tones are obtained using synthetic hair to achieve the perfection of gray hair ..
Model Bonny_ leer descripcion
Bonny is a piece with a central monofilament of 10x12 cm, with a reinforced poly of almost 4cm. It continues to give a natural touch but a little safer for those clients who like to change their hair frequently and brush often. The base of this piece is 8x10 inches (20.32x25.4cm)
The density of the BONNY MODEL is 130%, suitable for customers looking for a voluminous hairstyle and quantity of hair. Its style is backwards but it allows us to change its shape to any of the two sides and even mark a fixed line.
The hair is 100% human with a natural wavy shape and about 15 cm long, being able to give the option of combing with several styles or making the client a cut to measure and to your liking.
This piece can be fixed with double-sided adhesives or with a clip for customers who want to remove and put it on a daily basis.
To see the colors available in stock visit our online store or contact us by Whatsapp (+34) 630849237

Model Angel-Angeles _see details
A classic ever among the toupees. It is a basic model, and therefore the most economical of the line, characterized by a monofilament base and surrounded in oval form of "PU", a material derived from the silicone that allows us to place the double adhesive tape necessary face for the subjection of the prosthesis. It is possible to use this piece also adapting some clips when the hair is missing and we do not want to shave it. This is the case of women who choose this model as a voluminator rather.
It is important to note that the type of temporary fastening with clips or adhesive depends a lot on the lifestyle of the person: if you prefer to take it off and put it on each day as well as the greater or lesser thickness of the piece you choose (the finer the more natural it will be). the effect, but more delicate will be the piece and therefore will require a more permanent fixation_ see model Nagore-Nacho here below)
To see the colors available in stock visit our online store or contact us by Whatsapp (+34) 630849237

Model Bella Lace _see details
Un pieza muy ligera, el Lace es el denominado tejido súper fino que nos permite lucir con mucha naturalidad la raíz de nuestro cabello, pudiéndose peinar en cualquier dirección .se coloca con su especial adhesivo y se retira con su relativo disolvente. Este con respecto a al modelo anterior es un acabado mas de calidad ( y por calidad entendemos naturalidad y confort sobre todo) aun que menos resistente. Recordamos: cuanto mas fino mas natural pero menos duradero y viceversa..
To see the colors available in stock visit our online store or contact us by Whatsapp (+34) 630849237

Modelo Marga-Mario_see details
A model similar to the Bella Lace, where what varies is the type of lace used and slightly the perimetral shape on which we will use the adhesive, while in the part of the neck, especially in women we could just adapt some clips, having enough hair as there usually is.
To see the colors available in stock visit our online store or contact us by Whatsapp (+34) 630849237

Modelo Menny-Catalino ver descripción
Este modelo tiene una base de 8x10 pulgadas con poly piel rodeando el perímetro mono con 2 líneas gruesas por detrás que nos permitirá eventualmente cortar nuestra pieza y convertirla en diferentes medidas, según la necesidad del cliente. Por esta razon se define como un modelo versatil o universal.
Menny-Catalino contiene un monofilamento central con una medida de 10x10 cm. Confeccionada con un lace frances que da un toque muy natural.
La densidad de este producto es de un 130% para aquellos clientes que quieren un efecto de mucha cantidad de cabello. El cabello es como siempre 100% natural.
Su estilo es hacia atrás, toda la pieza està hecha enteramente a mano pinchando el pelo uno a uno. sin alguna limitación podemos definir una línea o peinar a cualquier lado derecha o izquierda, siende su confeccionfree style, es decir con los cabellos que pueden ir en cualquier direccion. Su forma tiene un ondulado natural y una largo de 15cm.
To see the colors available in stock visit our online store or contact us by Whatsapp (+34) 630849237

Modelo Nagore-Nacho_see details
This is the queen of all, although not always the most preferred for its price. Ultra fine, elastic and totally undetectable, the last frontier of the postizeria, a work of art that although adapted in its final cut by the professional, it will be very difficult if not impossible to detect the vast majority of people. It is placed only with its relative glue and adheres 100% to our head in order to truly look like our hair. Simply great After this innovation, as they say. If there are bald people, it's because they want to.
To see the colors available in stock visit our online store or contact us by Whatsapp (+34) 630849237

Very well, you have taken the first step towards solving your problem. It is understandable that after the technical description that you just read about each model, you have no idea what system suits you. Relax, you have all our help.
You have 2 options The first is to go to your hairdresser to get in touch with us and we can guide you in the process of choosing your prosthesis. Unless you can not go directly to our facilities, it will be convenient to have a professional room that can meet your maintenance needs as well as cutting and adapting the first time. Maybe with some luck we have some stock already available that fits your measurements, in this case you would have it in 48 hours in your hairdressing salon. If not, then you should take measures of your head to make a "mold" that would allow us to manufacture your prosthesis to measure. Because these pieces must be anatomical, that is, fit perfectly, without hollow areas or a small perimeter with respect to your baldness. The order of your piece will take between 5 and 8 weeks depending on the work, but when you receive it, it will only be your piece and no one else's, because each head is different even if the bald spots of many men are similar.
The second option is that you contact us directly by phone to our whatsapp 695267009, and thus be able to advise you conveniently. You send us for example a photo of you, we see the color or the most suitable model for you or we decide together the hairstyle that you like and we budget it without commitment; If you do not know where to put it the first time, we would indicate a specialized center in your area.
You can also send us your old system and we will copy it , if it is what you most like.